Our mission is to raise awareness of the harmful impacts of gender stereotyping on us all, but in particular the ways that they limit our children from a very young age.
We are open to opportunities which allow us to share our learning, including participation in events, webinars, podcasts or through written inputs. Please do get in touch if we can support anything that you are doing to see what might be possible.
We can also offer low cost training, webinars, awareness raising and development support to any practitioners and establishments who wish to improve their knowledge and practice around gender stereotyping. We are driven by our passion and desire to share good practice and make a difference for children, and as such want our training to be affordable so we are happy to discuss options to allow establishments to choose a method that best suits their needs and budget.
The learning contained within our inputs is of relevance to anyone who works with children and families.
If you are interested in finding out more about what we do or what we can offer, please do get in touch. We are keen to raise awareness around the issues relating to gender stereotypes and are happy to chat if you have any ideas for how we can do this!
Email: genderfriendlyscotland@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you and will do our best to respond as quickly as we can!
Susie & Barbara