We are always sharing interesting articles and resources on our Twitter/X feeds and we would encourage you to follow us to be part of an ongoing conversation around the topic of gender stereotyping.
You can follow Susie @susfloos
You can follow Barbara @BAdzajlic
Our greatest resource is of course our book, which contains our comprehensive audit tool. Please see here for information on the book and recommendations for books that we have found particularly useful.
Downloadable Resources
We hope to develop a series of useful handouts which may help you as you consider how to address gender stereotypes in your setting. If there’s anything in particular you’d like to see us develop get in touch!
Men and Boys This handout explores ways in which we can tackle the stereotypes which have a particular impact on men and boys.
Resources We Recommend
Info on the Glasgow Gender Friendly Nursery pilot project which is delivered by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde: www.nhsggc.org.uk/gbvresources
Care Inspectorate Gender Equal Play Document: https://hub.careinspectorate.com/media/3466/gender-equal-play-in-early-learning-and-childcare.pdf
ZT Wakelets: https://wakelet.com/wake/a11e55f6-4711-4d0a-ac3a-ab0b7b0445be
IGBE document: An introduction for practitioners in schools and early learning centres https://education.gov.scot/media/khsi24hr/gender-stereotyping-intro.pdf
Let Toys Be Toys: http://lettoysbetoys.org.uk/